
NANAKSAR SATSANG SABHA is a unique religious, non-denominational, secular world (international) organization. It is committed to spreading the message of our most reverend "Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee", the founder of sikh religion. He preached and promoted universal brotherhood, selfless love, peace, harmony and serving all people. We gain strength and seek directions through prayers and worshipping "Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee" as living guru under the spiritual guidance of our highest priest "Holy Saint Baba Gurdev Singh Jee".
To further and promote these principles, our organization has built seventeen Nanaksar Sikh Temples (Gurdwaras) around the world. These Gurdwaras operate in very strong cooperation with one another and have fully functional Maryada (Rituals) of Kirtan (Singing of Hymns) services in early hours of morning and evening. Prayers at Nanaksar are performed for all mankind as we believe and reiterate that “Nanak Naam Chardi Kala Terey Bhaney Sarbat Ka Bhalah”, Supreme Being’s name will always shine & His blessings are for all mankind.
Our Vision is to transform our world into a peaceful heaven of selfless love, serving all people equally without discrimination and helping all mankind to live in harmony with each other, our environment and our creator. We will achieve this through teaching of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee and other gurus and following the directions of our present living guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.
Our Mission is to advance the sikh religion and its beliefs of universal brotherhood, selfless love, peace and harmony among people, within communities and around the world. This is to be achieved by preaching, promoting and practicing the sikh religious observance, tenets and doctrines within the framework of sikh history, heritage, traditions and culture and by spreading the teachings of our 10 Gurus, our Holy Saints and other wise men.
Nanaksar reaffirms the principles of selfless service and meditation and follow an open house policy by welcoming and serving people from any religion or group. We invite you to visit one of our Gurdwaras near you for a wonderful experience of peace and tranquility, to enjoy the Kirtan (music and chanting of holy verses) and to share a fellowship of meditation and service.
