Gurdwara Nanaksar-Brampton is located in the city of Brampton in the Toronto area and is known as
Nanaksar Toronto. This Gurdwara is the second to be built in Canada after Winnipeg. Sant Baba Gurdev Singh Jee came to
Canada for the first time in year 1980 along with Ragiis (Monks). The Sangat of Toronto area requested Baba Jee to
build Nanaksar Gurdwara. However the first Gurdwara in North America and Canada was build in Winnipeg in 1982. Baba Jee
asked the Sangat to make committee and get it registered, thus a committee was formed and got registered in Ontario as
a branch of Nanaksar Satsang Sabha Inc. Winnipeg. The Sangat
from Toronto area used to meet Baba Jee during all his
visits and finally Baba Jee acceded to the Sangat’s request
in 1989 and directed the Sangat to look for the land. A
piece of land was bought in Caledon East on Airport Road on
September 28, 1989 and the regular paths were started of Sri
Guru Granth Sahib Jee. A Ragi Jatha (Group of Monks) was
also sent by Baba Jee from India to start the regular Katha
& Kirtan in the year 1992. However, the final choice fell on
the present location, which was bought on April 30, 1992. To
start the digging of the basement Baba Jee turned the soil
on May 9, 1992. The day the land was bought, Baba Jee
started the regular Katha & Kirtan in the trailer put on
this land. After the digging of the basement, the foundation
for the Gurdwara was laid on May 17, 1992. The work
progressed with such a speed that the regular Katha & Kirtan
started with the start of Sri Akhand Path of Sri Guru Granth
Sahib Jee on May 5, 1993. This was followed by the official
inauguration on May 25, 1993 with the Bhog of Sri Sampat
Akhand Path of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.
This Gurdwara is located in the heart of residential
subdivisions of Cities of Brampton and Mississauga. In fact
after the Gurdwara is built, a lot of Sangat belonging to
this institution moved close to the Gurdwara. A lot of
Sangat come to this Gurdwara in the morning and evening
services. Pooranmashi is celebrated at this Gurdwara every
month. The Sangat from all over Ontario, Quebec and US
cities close to the border visit to attend Bhog of Sri
Sampat Akhand Path of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee and Katha
and Kirtan following this. Amrit is also administered at
this Gurdwara on Sunday following the Pooranmashi and also
when ever there are people willing to partake Amrit.
Gurdwara has the cream stone on outside with green roof that
adds to the beauty of the building.
A lot of improvements have been done to the building for
enhancing its usefulness for Ragiis living here and for the
Sangat attached to Gurdwara.
Board of TrusteesPresident: Secretary: